I could see peace instead of this.



Building the Immune Systems of the Mind

Building the Immune System of the Mind

I’d like to share a short video clip from Ken Wapnick discussing the application of A Course in Miracles during the Swine flu pandemic that gripped the world in 2009. For those of you who never had the chance to meet Ken, he was an amazingly kind, loving soul who

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Fight Club and A Course in Miracles

How could there possibly be a connection between Fight Club and A Course in Miracles? A psychological action-thriller and a non-dualistic, deeply philosophical spirituality don’t seem to have much overlap. But there’s much more to Fight Club than meets the eye. There are some movies that have such a totally

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overlook sin

How to Overlook Sin

We’re often advised to see the good in others. Or to overlook the bad. To “notice the plank in our eye” before we see the speck of dust in theirs. All various attempts to overlook sin. These are all fine pieces of guidance. But do they really work? In general,

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One of The Most Difficult Choices You Can Make

Ms. Zawistowska is going to die. It will be by suicide. It will be the last of many painfully difficult choices she’ll make. Many will argue that her boyfriend was responsible. The truth is that her devastating past relentlessly haunted her. It’s a tragic story of difficult choices and painful

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